The Resident Alien Big Band

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Munich Stadtgründungsfest Marienplatz 2017
video credit: Monica Morton; vocals Caro Kelley

Resurrecting the sounds of former days, The Resident Alien Big Band is Munich’s most diverse musical ensemble. Today,  musicians with over fourteen nationalities contribute their distinct backgrounds to reinterpret classics ranging from Count Basie to Bruno Mars, Frank Sinatra to Adele. The result is a unique blend of inspired bass lines, funky horns, tight guitar riffs, and infectiously charismatic vocals.

Founded in 2010, the group regularly performs at venues large and small in and around Munich. Past gigs include:

München Stadtgründungsfest (Munich Founding Festival), Marienplatz (2017 and 2019)
Regular performances at the “Tanztee” and “Tanzserenade” series hosted by the Munich Kulturreferat (various locations)
Munich Unplugged festival, Hofbräuhaus Munich/ Ratskeller Munich
Munich Sessions Summerfest, Rindermarkt Munich
The Lion’s Club Summer Ball, Künstlerhaus Munich
2016 Munich Summer Ball, hosted by ESME e.V.
The Irish Business Network Winter Ball
The summer festival of the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Jazzbar Vogler – charity event with the Lion’s Club Münchner Kindl
…and many more.

See the upcoming gig list on this site to see where you can catch us next!

Want to book the Big Band for your event or partner with us as sponsor? Please contact

Band Leader
Davy Kazan

Mikael Ahlstedt (t), Alister Clarke (a/cl), Elaine Cole (t/fl), Michael Dickensheets (t), Alessandra Fusco (a), Carina Kraft (a), Michael Mosch (a), Miguel Ramirez Wong (b)

Elio di Bernardo, Pavel Detistov, Thomas Eingartner, Christian Kiefhaber, Herbert Schiller, Matti Ukkola

Ryanne Leong, Ilya Meignan-Messon, Chris Roth, Christoph Zwosta

Mayya Bychkova, Christian Gegg, Joao Paolo Martins, Daniel Schulz, Ray Sönning

Mirja Bächle-Gerstmann, Elaine Cole, Christian Falcioni, Caro Kelley, Carina Little

Richard Bromham, Ray Sönning

Join the Resident Alien Big Band
If you’d like to join the band, please fill out the Introduction Form.
We are looking specifically for trombone and baritone sax players. You should be a confident sight-reader. If you improvise this is a bonus, but not a necessity for these chairs.
We will reply to you as soon as possible.