We’re using the shop and calendar function of our new club software, called VereinOnline (programmed just north of Munich in Ismaning!). Our initial purchase was funded by a generous (and tax-deductible!) donation, but we hope that by selling tickets ourselves and avoiding the third-party commission, we can defray the costs in future years. This also gives us more flexibility in arranging our ticket prices — and more control of and information about our sales.
We’re also now sending out this newsletter via the new software, instead of via Google Groups — they were getting difficult to maintain, so we’re streamlining our processes. There is still an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each (emailed) edition! You can sign up for the newsletter by clicking here and following the instructions.
The new software makes no difference to the way we run our rehearsals, but the Orchestra and Singers have moved to the Russian Kulturzentrum GOROD at Harras — closer to the center of town than Hasenbergl, our home for the last few seasons — and GOROD can store our timpani so they can be used in rehearsals again! The Big Band still enjoys their base at the KreativGarage, where we also often hold our Annual General Meeting.
Other exciting recent events included a master class for our strings players and a performance by Turkish professor Orhan Ahıskal, on a short tour of Germany in early April. The reviews on Facebook indicate that he was a great hit! https://www.facebook.com/
The Spring Weekend Away at Bad Schussenried was another great success: anyone who wasn’t there missed out on Pillowmeister 3000, the 2am guitars, and the Sunday rehearsal naps in the corner. Can’t wait until autumn when we’ll do it all again…
Our Big Band is excited to be able to play at the Stadtgründungsfest (City Founding Festival) on June 17 at 14:45 — right at Marienplatz! It’s a great milestone for us, and we hope to continue such collaborations with the city. https://esme-ev.de/sh
The Summer Concert Sing, Swing, Strings! will be July 8 at Gasteig, and all three ensembles are rehearsing our Mozart, our Wizard of Oz, and our Andrews Sisters numbers. https://esme-ev.de/shows/e
Just this week we’ve got the ESME logo uploaded to our own shop at spreadshirt.de so anyone can buy ESME logo merchandise! esme-ev.de/spreadshirt
We’ve been uploading more videos recently too, all listed on our website videos page, and posted on Facebook and Twitter too. The most recent are David Bowie’s Space Oddity in a choral SATB arrangement from our Spring Concert 2016 as well as the orchestra playing the Overture to Beethoven’s Egmont at the Summer Concert 2016: