The English-Speaking Music Ensembles’ Winter Concert is coming to town…
Take time out from the pre-Christmas bustle on Sunday 9th Dec, 16:00 at Carl-Orff-Saal, Gasteig. Unwind and groove with Verdi, Vince Guaraldi, and Dvorak performed by our three ESME ensembles: The Resident Alien Big Band, the Orchestra, and the Singers. We’ll have at least one waltzing flower, one Tannenbaum, a bit of Charlie Brown and English Christmas carols.
This concert is going to be a farewell and welcome at the same time: sadly the orchestra is saying goodbye to their conductor Benedikt Holnaicher. He’s leaving ESME to start a Meister-course in Nuremberg. We are very sorry to see him leave us after so many years, but wish him all the best and hope to see him in the audience of one or two of our future concerts.
And welcome
The Singers, on the other hand, are introducing their new conductor, Andrew Morris. We asked him a few questions:
Andrew Morris
Violin, Viola, Piano, Bass Voice
Bach – D minor Chaconne for Solo Violin
They seem to find my jokes amusing.
I originally studied music, specialising in performance on the violin, but like quite a few musicians became a computer programmer instead. Somehow writing Bach fugues and coding have a lot in common. After some exciting adventures working with data and quite a few trips around the Far East I ended up in Munich in 2001 when my girlfriend (now my wife) was offered a job here. When our two children came I knew we were going to stay and that’s when I started studying singing, it being easier to sing with a baby on your lap than to play the violin. The singing led to running courses in English and singing in schools and kindergartens and a certificate in choir conducting. I also became conductor of the Munich Ladies Choir who very generously let me develop my conducting technique over six years. When not making music I enjoy being in the mountains; skiing or walking according to the season.
Welcome Andrew — we look forward to more laughing with you!
ESME Autumn Weekend Away Nov. 9-11 2018
We are looking forward to a weekend full of Christmas spirit at the beautiful and well-equipped Bayerische Musikakademie at Schloss Alteglofsheim. There will be plenty of rehearsing, but also lots of fun while preparing for our winter concert. Pictured below are some folks enjoying the spring weather with a walk in the countryside during our Spring EWA — our Autumn EWA typically also involves country walks, but with heavier jackets!
The ESME Singers – Extra Performances
The Resident Alien Big Band Additional Gigs
In mid-October, The Resident Alien Big Band was booked into the Grüner Saal of Zum Augustiner for ESME founder Mark Davey’s round birthday (and celebration of his and Belinda Grützun’s wedding). Congratulations again! The event was opened to the public once the band started up, and they played on until the wee hours of the morning. The Aliens have been booked for other private functions as well, but of course we can’t show you pictures of those — Datenschutz! We did get permission to post a very large video file of a very German ritual (thanks Peter Stiff!): the tapping of a wooden keg, just like at Oktoberfest!

Our friends at Entity Theatre e.V. present: “Lend Me A Tenor” by Ken Ludwig
A surefire screwball comedy with loads of laughs! “Lend Me A Tenor” by Ken Ludwig performed by our friends from the Entity Theatre e.V. will whisk you away to the wild and crazy world of opera. Jump into the United States of the 1930s and experience an evening of glamor, entertainment and music. You will join the protagonist on his journey from zero to hero, careening all the way from one disaster to the next. “Lend Me A Tenor” is charming and full of quick, sharp dialog and jazzy music.
Opening night is November 1, 2018, at Pepper Theater Neuperlach. Members and friends of ESME are welcome to come along particularly on Nov. 3: meet ESME’s new Social Coordinator Irina Popescu (who has promised to wear a red sweater) at 19:30 at the bar downstairs to get seats together for showtime at 20:00. Other ESME members are also already going on Nov. 1 and Nov. 8, so you’re sure to find someone you know if you go on any of those dates! ESME and Entity have several members in common, too — see if you can spot them in action!
2019 Concerts for your calendar
Sunday, May 19, Einstein Kultur – our annual Showcase highlighting smaller ensembles
Saturday, June 29, Kulturzentrum Trudering – our annual Summer Concert, our first time in this venue
This post is actually our newsletter — subscribe to have a version with a ticket link for each concert sent to you as soon as we have it! More regular news and posts go out over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., all of which accounts are linked at the bottom of each page – but the newsletter will get to you no matter how those algorithms get changed.